Thursday, June 26, 2008

attention seeking at random hours...(for lyla)

         well hello there. :]. this is me blogging for the first time ever. i am not quite sure how this is gonna work out, as i was one of those children who couldn't keep a diary for more than a week, no matter how pretty the cover. but ah well. there's something vaguelly entertaining about putting your life out on the internet, knowing that though it's likely no one will read it, the possiblity is there. so, let me see....o. you might want to know who i am, right? well, specifics are for friends, families, and rapists, so here, vague details:
        this is the epitome of me.

         my name is shayna. i live in florida, but i have been a wannabe new yorker since my favorite toy was a chewable foot. i am of the age at which someone can drive a car. not that i do, but it is legally permissable. i go to school for theatre, because i am obnoxious. i hang around with quiet people and anime nerds as a rule. according to my mother, this is because i have enough personality for all of us put together, but that makes my friends sound like gelatinous gray cubes of nothingness. *random wayne's world break* "'Zantar is a gelatinous cube that eats warriors in a village. If you eat a chieftain, you go up a level. Beauty is, you can't get to the next level...' 'Gelatinous cube eats village. It's terrific. Now, I know nothing about video games, but I found that riveting.'" ANYWAY! my friends are not cubes. they are beautiful children who put up with my obnoxious self at all hours of the night. and who don't eat villages. and some of them are loud like me. really. they are. or at least, i try to force them into such behavior....XD. anyway. yes. more. ummmm....i am sort of a human jukebox. jutebox? i dunno. the cool music player things. one of those. people talk, i sing a lyric their words remind me of. not that i can sing, but it's a fun pasttime anyway. i am a ridiculous sort of overachiever. i am a grammar nazi. not to be confused with a regular one of which i am definitely not, for i am quite uber jewish and do not approve of discrimination of any kind of any people at any time. that said, human rights make me very happy, and i get into loud debates on such matters with my father all the time. i like movies. a lot. many many many movies. as you may have noticed, wayne's world is EPIC. it was sorta my childhood. which is a little twisted, but it works. and there are more....let me list. not all, but we shall start: the birdcage, across the universe, cabaret (*dies*), breakfast at tiffany's ( best character ever), ferris bueller, duck soup (funny jews make the world happier), hotel rwanda, the departed, goodfellas, inside man (denzel washington is amazing), dodgeball, my cousin vinny, big fat liar, national treasure, alice in wonderland, chicago, spiderman 3 (JAMES FRANCO!! how could they do that?!??!?), pride and prejudice, little shop of horrors, east of eden (james dean <33333)....and so forth. which is not a movie title. just me giving up trying to think of more. o, and i love reading, too. but i just got out of this totally fail read-only-bad-teen-novels phase, so my list of favorite books is a little lacking. actually, i'm just kinda terrible at favorite things in general. i don't do favorites. *refer to 8 hour long movie list* so...moving on...o. i talk a lot. in case you didn't notice with this ridiculously long rambling paragraph. speaking of...NEXT!
        k, if you got all the way here and you are still reading, you deserve some jazz hands. *JAZZ HANDS* thank you for caring. or being too bored to do anything else. i know if i were you, my attention span prolly would not have allowed me to keep reading this nonsense. so, on that note, i will leave you with a quote and a song.

****Quote: Armand: "Al, you old son of a bitch! How ya
                        doin'? How do you feel about that call
                        today? I mean the Dolphins! Fourth-and-three
                        play on their 30 yard line with only 34 seconds
                        to go!"
                        Albert: "How do you think I feel? Betrayed,
                                                                    -The Birdcage
****Song: "I'm Coming Out" by Diana Ross (not i'm
                        coming up....which is what i spent my
                        whole life thinking it was....i've been living
                        a lie.)

        and now, this is the end. for real. aren't you happy? (i didn't say banana. XD.)
        o, explanation of my blog title. funfeh is yiddush for an error in speech. mangoes is there because of my epic failure at word association. *short story* my friend and i were doing word association stuff, and then she was all, "ok. no more word associations..." me: "okay." her: "i have the hiccups." me: "MANGOES!" and the art of ball zen is the cult for which i serve as goddess. see, the story goes, where my friends and i sit at lunch there was this semi-dangerous game of throw the ball at each other that was always going on, and all my friends kept getting hit by the ball. but, i never did. my theory was that they were all afraid of the ball while i instead accepted the ball's existence. hence, ball zen. if you don't fear the ball, it will feel no need to hurt you. as you can see, it is quite a cult. we have bracelets. and traditions involving the ditch outside of publix. which is a grocery store that apparently doesn't exist in the north. which is a travesty. in case you were wondering.....

1 comment:

  1. Mkay, Antoinette, you are, officially my absolute favourite person!!!!! And yay for not being a grey-gelatonous thing...and um....
    *Much Love*

    ~~Lyla/Lela (but it's really spelled with the 'e' *love* )
