Monday, September 8, 2008

things that make me sad.

    hello! no, this post is not gonna be nearly as sad as the title would lead you to believe. there's a word for that, you know: 'misleading.' see, you learned something today. isn't that wonderful? i'm slightly more educational than a television. perhaps. but yes. television brings me to theatre which brings me to my first point. so, i got called back for one of my school's shows, and didn't get cast. again. i was not even good enough to be an understudy. it is a little disheartening because i really hoped i didn't suck that much. but either way, this angers me a little, which leads me to what i really wanted to talk about. *drum roll please* MY PET PEEVES!!!! because i always forget them. which is a little irritating in itself. so now, documented here for all to see, in no particular order, are....

1) grammar mistakes. there is no excuse. learn how to write better. if i see one more person confuse "their", "they're", and "there", i will cry.
2) the sound of people chewing. i know they can't help it, but damn it's annoying.
3) mean people. so unnecessary. be nice. or mute. whichever works.
4) songs with the r&b sparkle.just no.
5) this situation: as i am about to leave a room, i say, "i'm going to the bathroom; i'll be right back." inevitably, someone always says, "wow. thanks for telling me." now, i understand that someone might not want to know that i have to go to the bathroom, but really, wouldn't you be alarmed if i just left the room and gave absolutely no explanation whatsoever?
6) southern accents. i know i'm hating. sorry.
7) dr. phil and hillary clinton. they both make me irrationally angry. who knows why...
8) conversations i have to carry out on my own. i know i hang out with quiet people, but will someone please save me from having to talk to myself!
9) humidity. damn florida.
10) establishments that close at 9pm. because i am not a morning person and the world should be nicer to me.
11) casual racism. like bringing race into a conversation when it is completely irrelevant. it is wrong. we live in the 21st century. everyone is equal. just because people in the past were too dumb to realize it does not give you permission to continue to act in such a manner. especially without noticing it.
12) users. i really am a nice person. in fact, this is pretty much the only thing most people remember about me. that and the fact that i'm loud. so, please, please, don't use me to get answers for hw or help at getting my friend to like you. i know you don't like me for me, so just stop.
13) 'grande' coffees at starbucks. ok, i admit defeat, 'venti' means 20, and your large coffee is 20 oz. fine. maybe you named small 'tall' to give it a self-esteem boost; whatever. but, by no stretch of the imagination does 'grande' mean medium. 'grande' means large, ok?!?! you already have a large cup of coffee! THIS IS NOT RIGHT! YOU ARE LYING TO AMERICA! AND DISCOUNTING THE SPANISH LANGUAGE! BAD!
14) teachers who won't let me talk/ have an opinion. i like to talk, dammit! let me be.
15) money. i really wish we could use the bartering system. money causes so many problems.
16) when people smoke cigarettes. why are you paying corporate america to give you cancer? dumb.
17) ads featuring only christmas decorations that say "happy holidays!" we all know that you're really only saying merry christmas. your attempts at being politically correct have failed. throw in some diversity or give up the facade.
18) scary things. why do people enjoy being scared? i do not understand.
19) pretentiousness. i greatly dislike stuck-up people. sure, you may be better than everyone, but i do not condone obnoxiousness in such a context.
20) salt. all you do is make food taste icky and cause health problems. stop existing. k thanks bye.

    o. i guess that was my list of the top 20 things that irritate me. alrighty then. that works. lol. i love how i felt a need to spend an entire entry just complaining. there's the spoiled youth of america for you: using the internet as just another source to send out negative energy. o well. that's the closest i'll ever get to normal.....

****Quote: on the starbucks website, under the
    heading 'rumor response': "Rumor Repsonse:
    Misinformation on Israeli Armed Forces Support."
    the idf + starbucks? *dies giggling*
****Song: "First Date"/"I Miss You"/ "All the Small
    Things" by blink182. (listening to a bowling for
    soup song on the bus with my friend put me in quite a
    mood for some good old pop-punk. :] )

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