Wednesday, July 16, 2008

long time no ramble.

     boo! hehe. i win.
     well, i feel like i've sort of been neglecting this poor little blog of mine. not that anyone reads it except me and lyla (<3). but still. i feel an obligation to this cute little inanimate object of mine. so yes. let me focus. i just got distracted by some game to which my friend sent me the link. escapa? i dunno. a little addictive. 19.867. pretty great, methinks. lol. so life. hrmmm....*muses* well, i haven't really done anything different. went water parkin' with my dear beloved senior, malling with my bestest friends from middle school, monopolying with the kid i've hung with since elementary school. :D. good times.
     o. started theatre camp yesterday. theatre is kinda a party. i'm super thrilled for the showcase at the end because it has been forever since i actually performed in a show. i mean, that's beacuse i'm kinda not a good performer, but i enjoy it. a lot.
     ugh. i am such a little emo kid lately. it is a terrible habit. i mean, nothing's really wrong specifically, but i'm just kinda generally angry at my life and some of the people i try to share it with. i dunno. i just feel like i'm really untalented at theatre and no matter how hard i try it's not enough. that by itself is distressing because i go to school for theatre. and then i feel like people don't really like me very much at school. i have friends, but in no way am i really a part of the theatre department. which is upsetting. and i dunno. i'm probably overreacting, but it seems like a lot of my friends, if i wanna talk to them at all, i have to be the one to contact them. no one really tries to talk to me first. i feel like they really don't particularly want to speak to me but they feel like they have to. or something. it just hurts a little to feel that the people i love the most don't care. and it's prolly not entirely true, but it's stil bothersome. and i also am kinda lamenting this i'm-no-one's-favorite thing. you know what i mean? like, people all have their best friends, the first person they come to with anything, a person they talk to everyday no matter what. that sort of thing. and i feel like even tho i'm good friends with a lot of people, i'm no one's best friend. or something like that. which sounds really elementary schoolish, but dammit, it's bothering me. and you know i'm really 8 on the inside anyway. well, YOU might not know, but i do, and that's all that really matters right? ;)
     k. that is really all i had to say. a little useless superficial ranting is good for the soul methinks. so i shall take leave now.....

******Quote: "I'm not jealous, I'm Russian."-this
          adorable child at my camp. :]
******Song: "Empty Apartment" by Yellowcard (i
          actually didn't have a song stuck in my head
          today *gaspdie* and this just came on and somehow
          seemed appropriate.)

1 comment:

  1. ANTOINETTE!!!! You take back every thing you just said!! You are /MY/ Best Friend (and the whole world knows I'm the only person that matters XD) Like for cereal, you were the first person I told about -cough cough- (and the only person that knew for the longest time), the first friend I ever made at school, the person that christened me 'Lyla/Lela/Amelia/that loser emo kid' (XD) and most importantly, you are the only person EVER that I would let read every page in my 'book'. I love you more than any other person on this planet, more than any of the people in my family, more than life, more than ANYTHING!!!!!!! and I love you times a million [and 1] <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333(forever and a day)

    oh, and thank's for the shout out XD
