Friday, January 23, 2009


IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! YAY! That's kinda all I wanted to say. Hung out with friends. Epic sandwich. Cake in the middle of Cityplace. 12 candles. Glitter. Purple stuff. British accents. Up there on Alexis's Itouch. Bags. Sound effects. Appalled people. Coffee. Tea smoking. I'm Telling You I'm Not Going. Yeah. :D

****Quote: Alexis: I drive a car.
                       Me: Really?
                       Alexis: Yes.
                       Me: Oh. Cool. I drive a tomato.
****Song: "When I Saw Her Standing There" by The Beatles

Thursday, January 8, 2009


    Wow. It has been a slight eternity. I was unceremoniously denied of Internet until December-esque, and haven't had a chance to get on here again til now. Even now I should be "studying" for the ACT, but that's no fun. So anyway. Well, I am barely half-way through my junior year. well I am quite opposed to growing up, I really want this year to be over. See, don't get me wrong, it's not nearly as bad as last year, but this year is much more stressful. So much effort all the time. Tho it seems it has been semi-paying off for once. Like, I am on my way back to reviving my gpa. It'll never be a 4.0 again, (stupid theatre) but it'll get close enough. And I got an a on my jury. I was so relieved. It bothers me so much that I feel like I'm not talented enough for my school, and it made me so happy that I finally got told I was good enough, at least at that moment. I'm also really glad that I did my piece justice. It was a very dramatic monologue about a religious woman who loses her son in world war II and struggles with her faith. I've wanted to do it for so long. :]
    Mhm. So that was good. And that's pretty much been the high point of the year, lamely. I had crew auditions today. Technician one again. Sigh. And I'm not even going to have a leadership-ish position. I thought I might have earned it by now, but nope. It just kinda frustrates me that I wasn't even considered. I've spent 3 years of my life and 100 of hours dedicated to the one thing the theatre department lets me do, and I feel like I am not going anywhere. Plus there is all this internal drama surrounding the next few months anyway. There's this show, and then I am planning on auditioning for a play as a *gasp* performer. Not that I haven't tried before, obviously, but I have not gotten a part in 4 years. Of course, I have been in showcases, but that's not nearly the same thing. and anyway, this show goes on at the same time as the one for which I'll be doing tech. Also going on simultaneously, is this academic competition that I always do. I must attend these local competitions so I can compete at the national level and (hopefully) be put in the hall of fame, because for some reason, I keep winning first place in random events. Should be pretty sweet. Tho going to this means I cannot go to state competition for my school's fall show. I'm a little disappointed, but having a chance to be in the hall of fame for something I've been doing for almost 6 years is an opportunity I can't pass up.
    Wow. I really do have problems with transitions. my useless English teacher was right for once. that's a little unexpected. But alas, I digress. I probably should get back to doing that math ACT stuff. Tho i'll still be ignoring my stat hw....o well. no one's perfect.... ;]

P.S. I'm thinking it's a little hypocritical that someone who's so into grammar has been writing a blog and not capitalizing anything. I'm gonna work on that....Tho, I don't think I can avoid my few Internet lingo word shortenings (ie: tho, gonna, hw, etc.) and starting sentences with 'but,' 'and,' and 'so.' Perhap's they're my kryptonite.

****Quote: "Tijuana? I got married in Tijuna. Except, my
    husband and I didn't know any Spanish. We had no
    idea what the guy who married us was saying. Oh well, we got
    divorced anyway. Bastard." -This lady in an elevator.
    (I was wearing my favorite t-shirt which happens to say
    "Tijuana" across the front. I wore it today and felt obligated
    to tell everyone the story. XD.)

****Song: "You Can't Hurry Love" by Diana Ross. (I'm really
    not obsessed with Diana Ross, but my hair
    definitely looked like hers today, as it always does
     if I don't straighten it, so I felt it important
     to pay homage to her. Again.)