Tuesday, August 19, 2008

school and minor insanities

    shalom! so, yesterday was the first day of school. mhm. i felt such an occasion deserved documentation, right? lol. so, yes. i am now officially a junior. i guess in the whole scheme of things it's not really a big deal, but currently it feels a little odd. really now, this means i've been in school for 11 going on 12 years. how crazy is that? so long and i'm almost done. i don't really feel old enough for that. i'm too much of a little kid. XD. of course, school was definitely interesting. it was cool to see all the people i've gone without all summer. lots of screaming and jumping on people, because that's how i am. and after all the drama of the first day of school, they decided to cancel school today because of a hurricane that is passing by. hurricane fay? or maybe it's still a tropical storm. either way the day off probably wasn't strictly necessary, but it was a nice surprise. impromptu breaks are always fun. :].
    so i spent my day sleeping til 2 and then going around random places with my parents. we went to this wonderful pier 1 type store that had many amusing international tchotchkes. my kind of place. hehe. and then at home i finally got around to watching this silent movie my friend ordered for me from korea or taiwan or somewhere. it's called metropolis and it is german and absolutely amazing. it's this sci-fi movie about a city run by these huge man-powered machines. everyone is incredibly over dramatic and wearing an extreme amount of eyeliner; they all grab their chests when they feel any emotion. and there are robots attempting to be sexy and men with great names like josaphat and really sweet scenery. it makes me happy. there's a random musical based on it that absolutely failed, but i really want the music because it sounds kinda wonderful. but it's expensive and i'm poor. story of my life....XD.

****Quote: "OMG, where is agador spartacus?!?!"-me (for
     the past 2 days there has been a slug on my porch
     that my friends and i named agador spartacus. but
     today i realized that he is no longer there. *sniffle*
     hopefully he has slugged himself elsewhere.)

****Song: "The Nicest Kids in Town" from Hairspray

Monday, August 11, 2008

it's all downhill from here?

       i iz very bored. when i am bored i talk. :]. well, no. when i feel anything i talk. when i feel nothing i talk. but that is besides the point. tehehe.
       so yes. hey there. it is august. it has been august for quite a bit but i'm a little slow on the uptake. it's cool; i work it. but more importantly, this august business means that school is quickly approaching. like severely quickly. like next week. this is breaking my heart because i have been greatly enjoying the break from all the drama and effort and such nonsense that comes along with the public educational system. and i have to be a junior. i know, not really a big deal, but it is a little terrifying at the moment. i'm so done with high school stuff, really, but the thought of leaving and dealing with the real world is not fun. i mean, i know i have two years left, but it feels like the past two years went by so fast....i dunno. i feel like i should appreciate it more while i have it or something cliched like that. and it feels like everything's gonna be different this year. i was thinking in a bad way, but someone who can't frown should be more optimistic, so it will obv be in a good way. :D.
       anyway...what else? *looks for cue line on floor* ah! my showcase went pretty well actually. i dunno if my piece improved as much as i was looking for, but it really was not bad. and i got to do tech, too. it was quite amazing, because i love being a performer more than the world, but i do like helping run a show, too. if only i could do that for every show...i can see it now, "SHAYNA: ACTRESS/ STAGE HAND AND/ OR POSSIBLY ASM." tres catchy. lol.
       and yes. finally started reading eats, shoots & leaves. i know, fail. i've had so much academic work type stuff to do i haven't been able to get to it. but my over-achieving has paid off! finally! huzzah! so i am reading mi libro (which is as epic as expected) and making my way through the stack of magazines that have been piling up next to my bed since march. superficial-osity is quite joyful!
       o, and i found the best thing ever, actually. like really, nothing could get any better. look:

       it is the bucket of fun! you can't make this stuff up, i swear. it is filled with epically useless odds and ends, such as various colored whales and safety pins and sequins and wooden shapes and letters. it really should be called the tub of fun because that is what it is, but you can't argue with a patent. i purchased it for my friend's artistic endeavours in exchange for her taking a picture with a wax andy warhol for me. (i love andy warhol, btw. did i mention this? idk. he has been my favorite artist since the fifth grade. we go way back.) *random lyric break* "look, i find some of what you teach suspect/ because i'm used to relying on intellect/ but i try to open up to what i don't know/ because reason says i should have died three years ago." sorry, i love that line. anyway....yes. fun. this friend and i have decided we are gonna put the same sort of stuff in a bucket and call it the tub of fun because being smart asses makes us smile. you would buy it, wouldn't you?

****Quote: "The next day after the abolishment of the
       apostrophe, imagine the scene. Triumphant
       abolitionist sits down to write, "Goodbye to the
       Apostrophe: we're not missing you a bit!" and finds
       that he can't." -Eats, Shoots & Leaves
****Song: "Undercover, Funny" by Atom & His Package